Today I took Sarah to begin her career in 2nd grade. It is a bittersweet day to say the least.
Sending Sarah to school has been a deliberate choice we, as her parents, have made since the beginning. Ever since we have had children I have been blessed to have a job that allows me flexiblity. When Sarah was born she came with me to the office when she was only 2 weeks old. I would work from home or go to the office w/ her pack-n-play and all our supplies for the day. She was a fixture there. Since I work with kids with developmental disabilities she was around kids quite a bit. When she was 1 1/2 David began bringing up the idea of her going to preschool a couple of days a week.
This was devastating to me! I thought I would be an awful mom for wanting my daughter to spend time away from me. I agonized over this decision for months. When I dropped her off on her first day she kissed me, waved and off she went. I, of course, cried. How could I want 6 hours a week away from my precious little one. I was an awful mom. Then I experienced the 6 hours a week and it was wonderful. It gave me a whole new appreciation for her and I believe I became a better mom. She was able to be around typically developing kids and experience things for herself, apart from me. To this day I say it was the hardest decision I made for her but it was the best and right decision for her and me.
Fast forward 5 1/2 years later and we are still making those decisions. There are days I would give anything to stay home and homeschool my children. Then there are days I am glad to see Sarah get on the bus and Corbin walk into his preschool class. Am I a horrible mom for this? Do I love my children less than moms who stay home and patiently teach their children in homemade classrooms? My answer to both is...NO! I love my children dearly and want the very best for them. At this point in their lives and ours as a family we believe the best thing is exactly what we are doing? Is it the ideal position? No, I do not value government education as much as I value the lessons, morals, values we are teaching our children. However, due to Sarah going to public school there have be numerous opprotunities to teach fair play, good choices, consequences, God's love, etc, etc... In addition, there have been numerous opprotunities for her to spread her wings, make good choices, show God's love to others, help a hurting child etc. When she was in kindergarten she actually went to every child in her class and her teachers and asked them if they loved Jesus because she loved Him and wanted them to know Him too. I am sure there would be these opprotunities should she be at home with me as her teacher but not in the same way.
So the point to all this? I salute moms, dads, families who are able to stay home and teach their children. I also salute moms, dads, families who get up early every morning to send their little ones off to get an education some place other than home. We all make choices for our families. Just because my family's choice is not the same as yours does not make it wrong, just different. There are many families, single parents, grandparents raising kids that cannot afford the luxury or have the ability to teach their children at home. Do they love them less? No. There are many moms, dads, grandparents, etc. who may jump for joy when the school bus comes around. Do they value their children less? I think not.
Judge not my choices or excitement for the beginning of school lest you be judged for your choices...
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