Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Toxic Green Parenthood...

I have often said that becoming a mother, just carrying a baby in your womb, must kick in the otherwise dorment "guilt" gene. Before my first born made her way into this world I would have said I was a confident woman grounded in my ability to make a decision and stick with it, not second guessing every decision I made. Able to defend my position passionately for how I chose to handle situations and live my life with out guilt or explanation. Then in March of 2002 I found out I was going to be a mom and all that changed.

Maybe that is why I felt the urge/need/desire/deparation to explain my parenting to 2 perfect strangers at Costco. Monday, after picking up the kids at preschool we made a Costco run to pick up milk (a good mother thing to do). I was very diligent in packing the kids for preschool so Ziva would have milk and a snack after preschool and made sure she took a nap before preschool since she was up early (a good mother thing to do). After picking the kids up we went to Costco. I even let the kids play with the toys and taste whatever they were serving instead of rushing in and out. I realized I had $4 cash which would be enough for Corbin and I to split a piece of pizza, drink, and churro. Man I was being a GREAT mom! I felt good!

We get our lunch and sit at the umbrella table Corbin requested, I cut the crust off for Ziva to gnaw on and we say our blessing and begin eating. One of the men working there notices Ziva, she is adorable so I can't blame him. He begins talking to her about her eating the pizza and then asks me if she has a mouth full of teeth.
"No, she just has front teeth" I say.
"Oh, and she can eat that crust" he asks.
I reply "she likes to gnaw on it, I think it feels good on her gums".
"How old is she"
"Fourteen months"
"And she can eat that?"
"Yes, she likes it".
And he walks on and I begin questioning the idea of giving a 14 month old a pizza crust! Maybe I should have packed her something else to eat. Maybe I was just taking the easy way by giving her the crust so she could feed herself. Maybe I am a horrible mother. I wanted to run after the man and tell him I have 3 kids, none of them have been harmed by a pizza crust, it's okay, I'm a good mom!!! But, we had finished eating by the time I processed and it was time to go.

As we walked towards the van with Ziva in the front of the cart, it began sprinkling again so we hurried. Corbin got in the van and as I was trying to get Ziva in first then the milk (a good mother thing to do) a nice lady came and said she would take my cart for me. I thanked her and began trying to hurry to get the diaper bag and milk out of the cart for her. In this process Ziva's cup fell out of the bag. The lady told me there was no hurry. As I bent to get the cup she made these comments:
"I see you have the toxic green stuff" "That is a really gross color" At this point her comment did not register with me. I was busy trying to empty the cart since she had so nicely offered to help me.

As I got in the van and began to drive off I realized she probably thought I was feeding my baby some sort of toxic green looking liquid that she obviously disapproved of. I wanted to run through Costco and show her it was milk in the cup, not kool aid, or margaritas!! But we were headed home so I just continued to feel bad that this unknown woman thought I was a bad mother and was probably telling everyone in Costco about this wacko lady who feeds her baby toxic green poison!!

Why? Why do we judge other parents? Why do we as parents feel judged all the time? Maybe you don't and maybe I am the only one. I think it is time I begin having the confidence I so want my children to have. I think that is what a good mother would do, show her children how to live by living the way she is showing them.

And by the way Corbin had peanut butter, vanilla wafers, marshmallows, cucumbers and chocolate milk for lunch. And I will not feel guilty about it.

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